Emphasis: Dental anthropology, bioarchaeology, neolithic skeletal remains, forensic pathologies


Osteology Program of the Megalithic Tombs of Lisbon

Lisbon, Portugal

Rui Boaventura, University of Louisville

Florbela Estavao, Township of Loures

Maria Hillier, Simon Frasier University



Sessions from May 21 - August 10, 2007

The Osteology Project from the Megalithic Tombs of Lisbon will use the osteological remains from several tombs and dolmens from the region of Lisbon. Many of these collections have either been stored in various museum collections in and around Lisbon or from the recent excavations at the dolmen of Carcavelos located in Loures as well as the Geological Museum in Lisbon. The internship will focus on the skeletal remains from the Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic dolmens (burial tombs) of Monte Abraćo, Estria and Pedra dos Mouros that were excavated in the late 19th and later housed in the Geological Museum though never thoroughly studied. The information obtained from these studies will be used in the doctoral dissertation of Rui Boaventura and Maria Hillier who are both studying the dolmens in the region of Lisbon.

Students will be given more latitude and independent work loads in this internship program and are expected to be already familiar with the basic principals and methodologies of osteology and/or dental anthropology. Participants will get the chance to work with collections with multiple individuals and will learn how to determine the minimum number of individuals, sex, age and pathologies in mass burial conditions. This internship will also deal with dental anthropology and morphology, the description and classification of teeth as well as the various pathologies that are evident in teeth.

Students will begin by washing, cataloging and inventorying the various collections which are comprised of hundreds of teeth. Within individual collections, or dolmen, students will be instructed how to properly study, classify and analyze the skeletal remains in order to answer such questions as the quantity of individuals in each tomb, their age and sex as well as any evident pathologies.

Graduate students and undergraduates serious about pursuing a career in bioarchaeology, physical anthropology and archaeology are encouraged to apply. All applications will be considered

Program will run for 12 weeks - 3 weeks minimum attendance

Program fee with housing included: € 1,100 per 3 week session, € 2,000 per 6 week session,

Application for MegaOsteo

AIA Listing: http://www.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10037&entrynumber=845

Accomodations and tuition included in fees. Meals and transportation are not covered.  (please read below for the definition of accomodations)

ac·com·mo·da·tion ( ə?-kŏom'ə?-dāa'shə?n) n.

  • 1. The act of accommodating or the state of being accommodated; adjustment.
  • 2. Something that meets a need; a convenience.
  • accommodations
    • Room and board; lodgings.
    • A seat, compartment, or room on a public vehicle.
  • 3. Reconciliation or settlement of opposing views.
  • 4. Physiology. The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.
  • 5. A financial favor, such as a loan.